Employer Sponsored Benefits

Find resources here to read about Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans including, 401(k) Plans, SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, Cash Balance Pension Plan, and Deferred Compensation Plans.

From resources to help small to mid-sized business provide group benefits to their employees to helping business owners design effective and affordable benefits for themselves or their employees, NMII has the expertise to provide expert guidance.

Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

401(k)s: Preferred Choice for Retirement Savings

An attractive benefit plan can play a fundamental role in recruiting and retaining qualified staff. And, when trying to save for the future, a 401(k) retirement savings plan can help employees attain their retirement objectives on a tax-advantaged basis. Named for the section of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that created it, a 401(k) plan may be one of the most popular and valuable fringe benefits available.

#employeebenefits #401k #retirementsavings

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Changing Jobs in 2021? You’re Like Most People

Are you considering changing jobs this year? If not, you’re in the minority. A survey conducted by Harris Poll found that the majority (52%) of U.S. workers are considering a job change this year – and 44% have real plans in place to make a change. Think about that. Picture your co-workers or your team. More than half are thinking about leaving.

#retirementplanrollovers #insurance #employeebenefits

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Your Retirement Plan, Ready to Roll(Over)?

Nowadays, individuals change jobs many times throughout their working lives.

If you are starting a new phase in your career, you are probably carefully considering how you will handle your finances while making the transition. One important aspect is your retirement plan funds. If you have accumulated savings in a 401(k), 403(b), or similar employer-sponsored retirement account, you need to decide how to manage those funds upon leaving your current position.

#401k #403b #retirementplan #rollover

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Planning Your 401(k) Investments

During the last decade, the popularity of 401(k) plans has been astounding. Over 90% of the Fortune 500 companies offer these salary reduction plans to employees.

Because most of the funding for 401(k) retirement programs is derived from employee pre-tax contributions, most employers allow participants to direct the investment of their own accounts among a series of diversified investment options.

#401kplans #diversifiedinvestments

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

The Basics of the 401(k)

Most often, the first question a prospective employee will ask is about your company’s benefit program. Two of the most often-asked questions are about health insurance and an employer-sponsored retirement program.

Let’s examine the most common employer-sponsored retirement program that exists today – the 401(k) plan.

#401kplan #EmployerSponsoredBenefits

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Understanding the Roth 401(k) vs. Traditional

Unbeknownst to many investors, companies have the option of offering their employees a new different type of tax-advantaged retirement plan: the Roth 401(k). Not all sponsors of traditional 401(k)s have adopted the Roth feature, but it is not too early to consider whether contributing after-tax dollars to a Roth 401(k) can help you achieve greater financial security in retirement.

Curious if this option might apply to you? Reach out to one of our advisors today.

#401k #retirementplans #Roth401k

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Managing Your Benefits When Changing Jobs

Starting a new job can be exciting. But, as you look forward to your new opportunity, consider carefully how you will manage your employer-provided benefits while transitioning from one workplace to another. When you leave a job, your employee benefits generally end, unless you elect to continue them. While you may receive benefits from your new employer, they will most likely differ from your previous employer’s benefits package.

Our advisors are happy to discuss your specific situation. Reach out today with any questions.

#EmployeeBenefits #FinancialPlanning #NewJob

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Is it Finally Time to Adopt the 4-Day Workweek?

Most employers hope to have their offices up and running by the end of the year – with employees in those offices. However, many employees prefer to stay remote indefinitely. Data supports both positions, yet both sides will likely need to compromise to some extent.

Is it time to switch to a four-day workweek?

#flexibleworkschedules #4dayworkweek #employerbenefits

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Money-Focused Trends in Benefit Plans for 2021

Check out these 4 employee benefit trends shifting in 2021 which continue to change the landscape of employer sponsored benefits. The past year has brought several of these perks to the forefront of our minds.

Interested in adding a benefit to your offerings but not sure how it will affect the overall benefits you currently offer? Reach out to speak with our retirement plan specialists.

#401k #403b #emergencysavings #employersponsoredbenefits

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Happiness at work doesn’t just depend on your employer

Happy Friday! As we close out the work week, remember to be the CHO of your own life. Be sure to foster happiness at work and at home; work life balance is crucial.

A positive work culture makes all the difference to both employees and employers through increased productivity, trust, and autonomy.

#worklifebalance #ChiefHappinessOfficer #happyfriday

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

Perk Up Your Employees

We all want to look forward to going to work in a positive work environment. In creating such an environment, we can increase employee loyalty and improve the bond between employer and employee.

Here are 5 employee benefits to perk up your employees and improve your workplace environment.

#fringebenefits #employeebenefits #positiveworkenvironment

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Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson Employer Sponsored Benefits Dave Nelson

The Benefits of Volunteering

It is National Volunteer Week!

Employer sponsored benefits can often cover a wide range of areas. One great benefit your company can provide is an employee volunteer program which is not only affordable and easy to administer, but can also help improve employee morale, build relationships, and improve your company’s relationship with the community.

#nationalvolunteerweek #employersponsoredbenefits #giveback

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